Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Number One.

I'm not sure if blogging is going to be a do or a dud for me. I've been wanting to try it out for quite some time now, and thanks to blogs done by my cousins, Sarah and Marie, I've finally taken the leap. I just don't know if it'll stick. We'll all know within a few days, because when I latch on to something, I do it with a vengeance. I want to play with my site a little more, but it's eleven and I've been trying so hard to turn around my nights and days so that I can get up earlier. I'm not a morning person, but getting up earlier sure does give you a longer day. So, as a part of my attempts at lengthening my day, I shall bid you all adieu. Chances are I'll be on tomorrow and will leave another entry.

P.S. If anyone out there is an expert on making this thing cute, let me know. I could use all the help I can get. :)